
THERMOVAC transmitters TTR are active sensors (pressure to voltage converters) using thermal conductivity after the very robust filament Pirani technology together with a PIEZO diaphragm (TTR101). Depending on the field of application, a selection between different sensors in the pressure measure range between 10-5 and 1500 mbar mbar is possible. The THERMOVAC transmitter are benchmark concerning measurement uncertainty and resilient to vibration and shock venting.

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THERMOVAC transmitters TTR are active sensors (pressure to voltage converters) using thermal conductivity after the very robust filament Pirani technology together with a PIEZO diaphragm (TTR101).... read more »
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THERMOVAC transmitters TTR are active sensors (pressure to voltage converters) using thermal conductivity after the very robust filament Pirani technology together with a PIEZO diaphragm (TTR101). Depending on the field of application, a selection between different sensors in the pressure measure range between 10-5 and 1500 mbar mbar is possible. The THERMOVAC transmitter are benchmark concerning measurement uncertainty and resilient to vibration and shock venting.

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